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Digital Marketing for Business Growth

This book covers the key areas of digital marketing that need to be addressed so that plans to achieve sales growth can be implemented successfully


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Digital marketing and social media has had a significant impact on the way companies engage with potential customers when selling their products and services. Companies are able to connect with their target audience in a way that makes people feel engaged in order to help them make purchasing decisions.

This book covers key topics that need to be understood and actioned so that plans to achieve sales growth can be implemented successfully. These include:

  • Creating a digital marketing strategy
  • Using your website effectively to add value
  • Social media platforms for digital marketing communication
  • Getting the best out of data analytics
  • Selling internationally
  • The future of digital marketing and how itmight affect you

Whether you have a role in marketing or not, you will be able to apply these best practice ideas. This will help you improve the engagement with your target audience in order to achieve a higher return from your marketing campaigns.


Digital Marketing.indd


About the book
Glossary of sales terms

ONE: A brief history of digital marketing

  • Introduction
  • What is digital marketing?
  • Changes in the landscape
  • Brand awareness
  • Chapter summary
  • Checklist

TWO: Creating a digital marketing strategy

  • Introduction
  • Marketing goals
  • Setting up best practice principles
  • Multi-channel marketing
  • Chapter summary
  • Key points

Digital Marketing.inddTHREE: Changes that impact on the customer experience 

  • Introduction
  • The impact of technology
  • The customer experience
  • Online purchasing and how it has changed behaviour
  • Chapter summary
  • Key points 

FOUR: Getting your website to add value 

  • Introduction
  • What makes a good website?
  • How a website supports digital marketing
  • Chapter summary
  • Key points 

FIVE: Platforms for digital marketing communication 

  • Introduction
  • Social media networks
  • Creating a social media strategy
  • Chapter summary
  • Key points 

SIX : Getting the best out of data analytics 

  • Introduction
  • Marketing data analytics
  • SEO and PPC
  • Social influencer marketing
  • Chapter summary
  • Key points

Digital Marketing.indd SEVEN: Integrating with traditional forms of marketing

  • Introduction
  • The Marketing Mix
  • Traditional forms of marketing
  • Traditional versus new marketing channels
  • Chapter summary
  • Key points

EIGHT: A move to international markets

  • Introduction
  • How to compete internationally
  • Having an international strategy
  • Monitoring your progress
  • Chapter summary
  • Key points

NINE: The future of digital marketing

  • Introduction
  • The power of data
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Augmented reality and future trends
  • Chapter summary
  • Key points

TEN: Bibliography


Julian Clay

Julian Clay has a BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology and Business. He was a top sales performer in Kodak’s Office Imaging division and progressed to become part of its senior management team. Since then he has worked with a number of different types and sizes of company (including multinationals) to help them achieve continued sales growth. His expertise lies in understanding the core sales challenges companies face and helping to increase sales in different, competitive markets. His roles have included sales process, development, coaching, training and interim sales management.

His interest in the psychology of selling encouraged him to become a software solutions provider. He developed the CRM application Forecastmanager, which is available on the Salesforce App Exchange. It helps users interpret subjective information to deliver more accurate and confident sales forecasts in order to improve sales performance.

He is the author of Successful Selling Solutions, as well as the co-author of, Sales Strategy for Business Growth and The Mobile Boardroom (Thorogood publishers).

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Paperback ISBN-10: 1854188852
ISBN-13: 9781854188854
Pages: 220
Size: A5
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ISBN-13: 9781854188861
Pages: 0
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